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Web Analytics Reports

Traffic Reports

Top Pages See Live Sample
Top Pages Trend See Live Sample
Page Views See Live Sample
Visitors See Live Sample
New Visitors See Live Sample
Average Page Views See Live Sample
Detailed See Live Sample

Visitor Reports

Latest Page Views See Live Sample
Latest Visitors See Live Sample
Repeat Visitors See Live Sample
Domains See Live Sample
Languages See Live Sample
Countries See Live Sample
Major Domains See Live Sample

Navigation Reports

Navigation Paths See Live Sample
Entry Pages See Live Sample
Exit Pages See Live Sample
Reloads See Live Sample
Average Time on Pages See Live Sample
Average Time on Site See Live Sample
Exit Links See Live Sample
Downloads See Live Sample

Referrers Reports

Referring Sites See Live Sample
Referring Sites Detail See Live Sample
Major Domains See Live Sample
Countries See Live Sample

Search Engine Reports

Search Engines See Live Sample
Search Terms See Live Sample
Search Terms by Search Engine See Live Sample
Pages by Search Engine* See Live Sample
Pages by Search Terms* See Live Sample
Pages by Search Engine and Terms* See Live Sample
Total Search Engine Referrals See Live Sample

Client Reports

Browser See Live Sample
Browser Versions See Live Sample
Browser Versions Trend See Live Sample
Operating Systems See Live Sample
Operating Systems Trend See Live Sample
Screen Resolutions See Live Sample
Color Palettes See Live Sample
Script Versions See Live Sample
Java Support See Live Sample
Cookie Support See Live Sample

Summaries by Hour, Weekday, and Day of Month

Hour of Day See Live Sample
Day of Week See Live Sample
Day of Month See Live Sample

Enterprise Edition Reports

Campaign Reports

Activity Summary See Live Sample
Latest Transactions See Live Sample
Click-Through History See Live Sample
Transaction History See Live Sample

Activity Reports

Activity by Search Engine See Live Sample
Activity by Search Terms See Live Sample
Activity by Search Engine and Terms See Live Sample
Activity by Referrer See Live Sample
Activity by Country See Live Sample
Activity by Continent See Live Sample
Activity by Entry Page See Live Sample

Behavior Reports

Conversion Rate See Live Sample
Cycle Time See Live Sample
Average Order Size See Live Sample
First Time Customers See Live Sample
Repeat Customers See Live Sample
Time Between Transactions See Live Sample

Click Fraud Detection Reports

Repeat Clicks See Live Sample
Clicks by Country See Live Sample

Optimization Reports

Multivariate (A/B) See Live Sample

Other Reports / Features

Real-time Dynamic Segmentation**

Easily and quickly view how different segments of the population view your site. You can even segment reports by geographic and demographic profiles!

Unlimited History**

Don't worry about losing last year's data. We save the history from Platinum accounts indefinitely.

Privacy Mode Tracking

Our system falls back on IP-User Agent tracking when privacy mode prevents cookie use.

Custom Report Dashboard

Easily see how your site is performing with our multi-tabbed dashboard. Add reports to your dashboard in any configuration with just one click.

Users and Groups

Allows you to create and manage users and groups with different access levels.

Search Engine Ranking

Shows consolidated report of your search term's ranking on top search engines.  Anywhere a search term is displayed on a report, a link is available to this report.

Search Term Trend

Shows the referral trend for a specific search term.

Search Engine and Search Term Trend

Shows the referral trend for a specific search term on a specific search engine.

Page Trend

Shows the traffic trend for a specific page on your site .

Sub-Accounts Traffic

Displays traffic totals for all sub-accounts.

Domain Search

Searches for occurances of traffic from a specific domain.  This is useful to see if competitors are viewing your site.


Manage your bookmarks and assign a specific report to display upon login.


Email or export any report to Adobe PDF, Word, Excel, CSV, TDF, RTF, or Wordperfect formats.

Combination Reports

Combine and configure any number of reports onto one screen for your own personal dashboard.  Then, bookmark it and make it your login page.

* = Available in Enterprise Edition
** = Available in Platinum Edition